Steam mop
Steam mop

steam mop

  • Effortless Floor Cleaning: With dual motor rotates up to 230r/min in order to automatically push the mop head forward and provide powerful steam to eliminate dirt in seconds you can deep scrub your floor with one hand – no need to stoop or bend so you can save time and effort.
  • Further, Thane Direct USA/Thane.Com is not liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature resulting from the use of this product and any liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the product. Thane Direct USA/Thane.Com is not responsible in any way for damages, losses or inconveniences caused by equipment failure arising from user negligence, abuse or use not in accordance with the User's Guide or any additional safety, use, or warnings included in the product materials. There are no warranties other than that expressly set forth herein. This warranty extends only to personal use and does not extend to any product that has been used for commercial use, rental use, or use for which it is not intended. Under this warranty, Thane Direct USA/Thane.Com will repair or replace any parts found to be defective due to a manufacturer's defect. Should your Thane Direct USA Product prove defective within 1 Year from date of purchase, you must email or call our Customer Service department at Do not return the defective part or unit unless instructed to do so after contacting us. Your Product purchased from Thane Direct USA/Thane.Com is warranted, to the original owner, for 1 Year from date of purchase against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. Water marks, discoloration or damage to the floor surface can occur if the unit is left operating too long in one place. This product emits steam and creates moisture. Use of the carpet glider on other floor surfaces will case streaking and possibly scratching. Only use the carpet glider on carpeting and rugs.

    steam mop

    When I doubt, please consult a flooring specialist. Always check the use and care instructions of your flooring manufacturer or distributor before using the H2O Mop® X5™. Test the H2O Mop® X5™ on a small isolated area of your flooring prior to overall use on any floor surface. Use only on laminated flooring that has been laid professionally and without any gaps or cracks that would permit the entry of moisture. Too much heat can melt glue in the flooring. Heat sensitive floors, use extra caution. When using on vinyl, linoleum or any other. This could cause the wood grain to rise, in addition to other types of damage.

    steam mop

    Do not use on unsealed flooring or let unit stand on any wood or heat sensitive floor for an extended period of time. The heat and steam action may remove the wax on surfaces treated with wax. Not all floor types are suitable for steam cleaning.

    steam mop

    The H2O Mop® X5™ is designed to thoroughly clean floor surfaces, such as marble, ceramic, carpet, stone, linoleum, and sealed hardwood floors and parquet.

    Steam mop